Blog entry by Bertha Weis

Anyone in the world

A combination of good on-page and off-page optimization procedures will help you get on to page 1 of Google as quickly as possible. It will also help your website to stay put on the first page of most other search engines as well.


It works the same way with using basic search engine optimization to get noticed on the internet, the more signs you have and the bigger they are, the more passing traffic on the net will know that you are there.

semantic seo Not true and SEO believing this can actually damage your PR. Google decides PR by "votes". When someone links to your page, it's a positive vote. However, Google also takes into account that page's PR; the higher the PR, the more that page's vote counts.

So what to do? How to figure out which method works and which ones don't? You can read a lot and do a lot of experiment. Read all you can and try to figure out the basic things of backlink building. Try to figure out which one works and then develop a link building plan. Rest will be pure experiment of one of more methods to see which one produces better result.

Meta Tag(s). The only truly important meta tag is the description tag. You might hear people talk about meta keywords and the like, if you do, nod politely as they speak and you now have permission to start tuning them out. Meta keywords have not mattered for a long time.